“How can I boost the number of people that visit my online store?”

At some point, every e-commerce website owner has had that thought. Perhaps you've put in a lot of time and effort into setting up your store, only to discover that your sales aren't coming in. Maybe you've been steadily expanding for the previous six months, but now you've come to a halt. Perhaps you've built a multimillion-dollar business and want to grow.

Increasing website traffic, whether you're looking to attract your first or 10,000th customer, is a crucial part of growing your business. If your site is properly oriented for conversions, an increase in traffic could mean more customers and sales. The answer would be a big, yes! A professional without a website may lose a huge opportunity. Over the past years, the website played an essential role for the trainers to reach many clients. In a highly competitive field, having a website always gives you an edge over your competition.

Here we will be looking at different ways to boost traffic to your website. 

1) Advertise 

Using social media and display advertising to attract visitors, grow your brand, and get your site in front of people is a terrific method to get your site in front of people.

Best places to run your ads

1- Facebook

2- Instagram

3- LinkedIn

4- Twitter

5- Google Ads

These platforms offer you a highly targeted approach to reach potential customers to buy your products and services.

Each paid channel has its positives and negatives. So, think carefully about your objectives before you reach for your credit card.

If you want your traffic to result in more sales, it is needed to target high commercial intent search terms as part of your paid search campaigns. Competition for these keywords can be expensive. But as long as your offer is compelling enough, and you can convert site traffic into sales, investment towards these keywords can be worth it. 

2) Email Marketing 

In email marketing, marketers send emails to obtain sales from the targeted audiences. This business strategy is an effective way to reach potential customers. If practiced correctly, this strategy can improve subscriber engagement and take your business to the next level.

Various Types of Email 

1- Welcome Email

2- Subscriber Email

3- Promotional Email

4- Behavioral Email

5- Transactional Email

Points to keep in mind:

1- Encourage people to subscribe and make a subscriber list: This is the first step in Email Marketing. It is very crucial to get a healthy subscriber list of potential customers. 

2- Send Mobile-friendly emails: Nowadays, most people use smartphones to access personal emails. So make sure that the promotional emails are responsive and easy to read in limited screen size.

3- Video Email Marketing: In general, people do not prefer reading long blocks of texts in their emails. The reading time of emails can be reduced with the help of short and informative promotional videos. It is a known fact that visual content is more converting than written content. Just make sure that the videos are exceptional and of good quality and at the same time lightweight to enable fast leading.

4- Personalized Emails: Customers appreciate it when you send them personalized emails custom-designed for their needs. It means that you need to categorize your email list according to customer preferences. It may sound time-consuming, but the result would be worth it. Return on investment on sending personalized emails is much higher than sending one message to thousands of customers.

5- Optimize the Landing Page: Most businesses lose potential customers just because their landing pages are not optimized. An informative, well-designed, and easy-to-use website guarantees more return visits. So it is a wise practice to make your website more compelling and responsive.

6- Post-purchase messages: You should not take your customers whether one-time or loyal and for granted. When they make any purchase send them Thank You emails to encourage them to visit again. It is important to provide them with attractive deals. These tricks can help build a strong relationship with the customers. 

7- Respond to the Email Replies: Customers have many queries and doubts that they need to clear before they make any purchase. Be sure to respond to all of their queries. Because answering builds confidence and trust, thus increasing the chances of revisiting your website.

3) Social Media Marketing 

Nowadays, most businesses promote their brand with the help of social media. Billions of people use social platforms and with the right methods, business owners can get an ample amount of leads. Do you want to know some of the tactics to drive traffic through social media? The following methods would surely help you convert your visitors into leads.

1- Social media profiles: While setting up your social media profile, make sure to fill in every little detail correctly and do not miss out on any information regarding your business.

2- Engage with your target audience: Social media is more of a two-way strategy. To get results, you need to interact with your audience consistently. Social media gives you many options to engage with people like for example, on Facebook, there are offers and events. It is also important to manage social media inboxes timely.

3- Post consistently: To increase followers on social media, you need to implement good marketing strategies. Posting consistently, not only improves engagement but also results in new followers. Always keep your target audience in mind while making the content for posts. Include Hashtags and schedule your posts in advance with the help of the inbuilt tools on social media.

8- Create viral content like memes: Anything that is enticing and relatable has the chance to drive traffic. You all must have heard about memes. All of us enjoy watching memes. They include images, videos, and gifs with humorous captions. It is considered healthy to incorporate these kinds of memes with your brand.

9- Focus on sharing visual content: People find visual content more appealing than long blocks of texts. They get you more likes and shares. So invest your time in creating visuals like short videos and images. Make sure to add HD photographs with vibrant colors.

4- Post when your audience is active: You need to be proactive in your social media game. Know and understand your target audience. Post when they are active to reach out to the maximum audience. Take help from social media planners to schedule your postings like calendars and various other tools.

5- Get inspiration from influencers: Influencers are referred to as online celebrities. They have a huge follower count and immense popularity on social media. They know the strategies to influence their followers. It is important to research these influencers for your business to increase sales. Once you find the right influencers to endorse your brand, focus on establishing a good relationship.

The most important social media platforms are:

1- Facebook

2- Twitter

3- Instagram

4- LinkedIn

5- Pinterest

6- You Tube   

4) Search Engine Optimization 
Everyone from website owners to web teams for the largest media groups spends a lot of time concentrating on how Google will interpret their material because SEO has become such an important priority in marketing. It is the procedure to follow to improve your website's exposure in search engines organically and attract traffic.
The most crucial aspect of SEO is keyword research. You may use Google Keyword Planner to look for keywords. Make use of low-competition, high-search-volume long-tail keywords. These keywords should be used in the website's headings, subheadings, meta description, alt texts, and, most crucially, the URL. Every image should have alt text, which is highly encouraged. 

Most important meta tags for SEO  

Title tag: The first HTML element that describes what your web page is about is the title tag. Because they display in the search engine results page (SERP) and browser tabs, title tags are significant for both SEO and visitors. If at all possible, limit your title tag to 60 characters. Add words like "How to," "Review," "Best," "Tips," "Top," "Find," or "Buy" to your content to convey what it's about. 

Meta description: A meta description summarizes the content of a web page. The meta description is usually displayed underneath your title tag in search engine results. On desktop, the description snippet box has an average length of roughly 160 characters. The average number of characters in mobile search results snippets is 130. In the descriptions, don't forget to include your target keywords. Also, add any special offers or discounts you may have. 

Canonical tag: It’s used to indicate that there are other versions of this webpage. By using the canonical tag in the code, your website informs search engines that this is the primary page and that other sites should not be indexed. 

Alternative text tag: Images, which are a vital aspect of many web pages, cannot be viewed by search engines. Alternative text (alt-text) is one solution to this problem. 

Robots Meta tag: This tag instructs search engines whether or not to index your website. FOLLOW, INDEX, NOFOLLOW, NOINDEX are the four main values for search engine crawlers. 

Open Graph meta tags and Twitter cards: It's simple to sync your social media accounts with these tags. The use of open graph meta tags can assist Facebook, Linked In, Google, and your website. The properties of these tags include type, title, description, image, URL, and site name. Except for Twitter, Twitter cards work similarly to Open Graph. Twitter will use these cards to improve the appearance of your page when it is shared on their network. 

Header tags: Header tags can be used to adjust font sizes and indicate information hierarchy on a page. H1 to H6 are the header elements. H1 is the highest and most significant level, while H6 is the lowest and least significant. When you use an H1 tag to mark text, you're telling search engines that it's the most significant text on the page. 

Responsive Design Meta tag: The responsive design meta tag, commonly known as the viewport meta element, is the final significant meta tag. Web designers can use viewport meta tags to control how a page scales and displays on any device.

Every page of your website should include both internal and outbound links

Heavy content, such as graphics and movies, slows down the website's loading time. So try to avoid them. 

The ability to respond to mobile devices is critical. It's vital to select a mobile-friendly website hosting service, as well as a site design and theme, and content layout. Use Google's Mobile-Friendly Test tool if you're not sure if your site is mobile-friendly. 

Keep updated with the bounce rate of your website. If you are having a high bounce rate then it means that your website is performing poorly. To fix this make sure that the content in your website is relevant to the interest of your target audience. 

Avoid long blocks of texts and prefer pointers and short paragraphs. 

5) Backlinks 

Any hyperlink on another website that points back to yours is referred to as a backlink. 

"The more backlinks linking to your website, the more popular it will become." 

Top 5 Backlink Sites with high domain authority 

• Blogger 

• Quora 

• Flicker 

• Slashdot 

• Tumblr 

One of the most essential reasons to build backlinks is that they have a significant impact on search engine optimization (SEO) and your overall search engine rating. Make sure your content and website are ready for an influx of new visitors before attempting to obtain backlinks from high-quality websites.  

Once your website is optimized, you can send requests to high-domain authority sites for backlinks. The biggest advantage of getting backlinks from high-domain authority sites is that it increases the authority of your website. You will get higher traffic and the search engine will know about your website. It can be difficult to get backlinks but if your website is up to the mark then it would be easier. 

Few tips 

Make sure that the content of your website is well-created 

Write testimonials about your website for other high-domain authority websites 

Answer Questions on Quora 

Comment on relevant blog posts

6) Blog Writing 

Blogging is one of the finest methods to attract the right audience to your company. You should know your buyer persona to create content that will attract the proper visitors to your website. After you've identified your target audience, you can generate content that will entice them to visit your website. 

However, how can you produce a blog article that would appeal to the correct audience? Follow these four steps to get started: 

Identify your buyer persona: Learn everything you can about your target audience, from their work titles to their pain areas. 

Conduct SEO research: Find out what your target audience is looking for on search engines so you can deliver the right content. 

Write a draft: Begin by writing a piece that addresses the concerns of your target audience. 

Promote: To increase traffic to your blog, share it on social media and send out email newsletters. Your content will rank higher in search engines if it receives more traffic. 

7) Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliate marketing is a type of advertising in which the merchant (the affiliate or partner) pays the publisher (the affiliate or partner) for effectively driving traffic, leads, or conversions. This indicates it uses a cost-per-acquisition (CPA) or performance-based model to operate. In most circumstances, merchants hire publishers to promote their items and pay them a percentage on every sale made as a consequence of their efforts. 

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing 

Low cost of Startup: In Affiliate marketing, the merchants don’t need to have an advertising team or ad space. They just have to rely on their affiliates for all the marketing content. Apart from the initial effort of picking and screening affiliates, selling your items requires very little effort from you, which is one of the reasons it's become so popular. 

Low long-term expenses: Because affiliates handle the majority of your marketing, they'll be responsible for a portion of the costs. And because it's a commission-based scheme, you'll only pay affiliates if they bring in purchases. Unlike other marketing methods, such as PPC advertising, which forces you to pay for every click leading to your website, this marketing approach makes costs easy to manage and does not disrupt your cash flow. Affiliate marketing on the other hand ensures that you only part with money when sales are made. 

Targeted Traffic: You can assure that the traffic to your site is from people who are interested in your product or service because the affiliates are chosen by you. This is because affiliates who connect with your brand are more likely to have people in their circle of influence who would benefit from your product.

Low Risk: Payments are only made when there is an actual conversion, so there is no risk of losing money; ideal for enterprises on a budget. 

High ROI: Affiliate marketing has consistently outperformed the bulk of marketing tactics in terms of Return on Investment(ROI). This is because you're directing your marketing efforts through an affiliate who has direct access to and influence over a highly focused audience that's interested in what you're selling. 

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